Welcome to Cordoba

It comes as little surprise that Cordoba has been one of the few places where European history that has actually seen Muslims, Jews and Christians living more or less happily together. It has always been an important place of culture and since 1994, the historic centre is included in the UNESCO World Heritage list. Here, history can be found at every street corner.

The main touristic feature, the Mezquita, is a unique structure which, on its own, could tell the whole story of the city. But as if this was not enough, there will be plenty more on your menu. Indeed, a short tourist break might not be long enough to see the Judería, the Alcázar de los Reyes Cristianos, the Episcopal Palace, the Roman Bridge, the Torre de Calahorra, the city walls, the Plaza del Potro, the Albolafia Mill and the many hidden patios of the old town. Check out our section on what to do in Cordoba to find out more on some of these interesting sights.

As a province, Cordoba is a place of Sierras. In the north, the Sierra de Hornachuelos Natural Park, the province’s largest protected park, is a scenic destination for everyone who loves the outdoor. It is a rural landscape with many attractive towns and villages. The countryside of the south is equally nice and consists mainly of fertile plains. The River Guadalquivir, which flows through the city of Cordoba, is an integral part of the province’s history. But if you plan to get out, your first stop should be Medina Azahara, the ruins of city which briefly was, in the 10th century, the capital city of Al-Andalus, the nation which ruled the southern part of medieval Spain.

So indulge yourself. Come and visit Cordoba. It is a special place where you will enjoy wandering through its tiny streets, sitting in the shades of lovely little squares, drinking in traditional bars and dining in fine restaurants.

Best hotels in Cordoba


Activities & Attractions in Cordoba

Cordoba Courtyards Guided Tour

(9.3 / 10)

Flamenco Show Cordoba

(8.4 / 10)

Hammam Al Ándalus Baths Experience

(9.4 / 10)

Viana Palace & Courtyards Guided Tour

(9.3 / 10)

Alcazar & Jewish Quarter Guided Tour

(9.5 / 10)

Free Tour of Cordoba

(9.6 / 10)

Car Rental in Cordoba

Economy car rental in Cordoba

Medium car rental in Cordoba

Large car rental in Cordoba